Degree Of Freedom Calculator

Hypothesized Mean (µ):
Sample Mean: (x̄)
Sample Size (n):
Sample Standard Deviation (s):

What Are Degrees of Freedom?

Degrees of freedom refer to the number of independent values that can vary in the final statistics calculation. Also, it refers to the number of ways a dynamic system can move independently without infringing the constraints forced on it. Or you can define degrees of freedom as the least number of free coordinates that can determine the phase space.

From this point of view, degrees of freedom may sound theoretical but it’s not. So, for a better understanding, let’s have a look at a basic example:

Let’s say you have two numbers, y, and x. And when you calculate their mean, you get m as the answer. When you look at this data set, you’ve got three variables. But when it comes to the degrees of freedom, you only have 2. But why is that so? Well, it’s simple; the values that can change are only 2. And when you have the values of two variables, it means the third variable has been determined. Look at this:

x =4, y = 8, with this two, the mean is already determined. Therefore, you can’t go for any Mean you may prefer.

m = (y + x) /2

m = (8 + 4) /2

m = 6

In another case, let’s say x =6, m = 12, this also makes the value of y obvious with no room for change. That said, the value of y is:

m = (y + x) /2

12 = (y + 6) /2

24 = y + 6

24 – 6 = y

y = 18

As you can tell from the above calculations, when you have three variables and you assign values for 2, the third loses the freedom of change. As a result, you only end up with 2 degrees of freedom. And the same applies if you have more variables or less than what we’ve used as an example.

Degrees of Freedom Calculator

How to find degrees of freedom on a calculator

Now that you know what degrees of freedom are, the next step is how to find it. In this case, you’ll need to use its formula. However, it’s an important point to note, that the formula you use relies on the statistical test you’re conducting. And in this step, we’ll look at the popular ones. Let’s start:

Degrees of freedom calculator t-test

To calculate the degrees of freedom through t-test you’ll need the following formula

df = n – 1,

Where n represents the aggregate values,

While df is the degrees of freedom.

Degrees of freedom calculator two sample

When it comes to getting degrees of freedom for two samples, the formula is quite different. It’s unlike computing with one sample size where you take the sample size minus one. But in this case, where there are two samples, the formula is

Df = n1+ n2-2

And this is the same as adding the degree of freedom you get from the first sample to that of the second sample. And it looks like this: n1 – 1 + n2-1 = n1+n2 -2 = df.

To grasp this formula better, here is a statistical example with two samples:


Calculate the degrees of freedom for the following samples assuming population variances are equal:

n1 = 352942982637578589

n2 =5748037493830837

The first step is computing the sample sizes for each:

n1 = 18

n2 = 16

Assuming population variances are equal, let’s calculate the degrees of freedom:

df = n1 + n2 – 2 = 18 + 16 -2 = 32

Degrees of freedom calculator Anova

In Anova computation, the degrees of freedom are rather intricate. While we’ve been using simple parameters to calculate the mean, the situation here is different. In Anova computation, we’ll be comparing means from sets of data. And a good example when running a one-way Anova test is comparing the means of two cells. In this case, we would have a grand mean, which is the average of these two cell means.

Grand mean = m1 + m2, where m is the mean.

Now, let’s say you know the value of grand mean and you pick m1, which means m2 is already determined. In this case, the degrees of freedom for 2-group Anova = 1.

Formula: 2-group Anova

df1 = n – 1

When it comes to 3-groups Anova, the calculation will be different from 2-group Anova. And this is because the degrees of freedom will be two in this case. So, when getting df2, the formula will be as follows:

df2 = n – k

Where k represents the number of groups or cells means.

Let’s look at an example for better understanding:

You are provided with 6 cells means and 300 observations, calculate the degrees of freedom:

df2 = n – k

df2 = 300 – 6

df2 = 294

Chi-square test

Our final pick is calculating degrees of freedom using the Chi-square test. Like all the above examples, master the formula and you will get the result within no time. In this case, the formula is:

df = (r -1)(c-1),

where r is the number of rows while c is the number of columns. And df is the degrees of freedom.

Degrees of Freedom Calculator

How to use Degrees of Freedom Calculator

Want to make your work easy when calculating the value of df? Well, you should learn how to use the degrees of freedom calculator. You don’t have to be a math genius to learn this. First:

  1. Determine the type of statistical test you want to run
  2. Thereafter, key in the variables
  3. And lastly, the result will display in the final box

As simple as that, you have your df results.


Q. Can you get zero as the degree of freedom?

A. Well, this is possible theoretically. In this case, it means that you only have one data to work with. And when you determine the df using the typical formula df = n -1, the ultimate result is Zero. But when it comes to practicality, the degree of freedom can be any number except zero.